Here is where you will find links to my published works or any podcasts I participate in to promote all things me!
Do you see them?
Some people can see what’s hiding in the dark. Some people have lived their entire lives in fear. But when David and his new friends decide to confront these monsters, they discover a whole new level of evil they never expected. Click HERE to get the paperback version of my novella, Afraid of the Dark. Click HERE for the Kindle version.
Zombi Nazis you say…
Young Jakob must survive the concentration camp at all costs, even if it means assisting a mad doctor in creating the perfect soldier. Plague of Man is available through Amazon. Click the link to get your copy.
Enter this dark mansion of ghastly delights…
My new anthology is now available from Dragon’s Roost Press! Print and digital copies available.
Ancient vampires...
My vampire novel from Source Point Press is now being distributed by SPLATTER THEATER PRESS. Cover art by Sean Seal.
Collection of short stories
My horror anthology is available from Dragons Roost Press. Print and digital copies available. Cover art by Luke Spooner at Carrion House.
Zombies and the Old West - Illustrated. What's not to like?
A novella of zombies and cowboys accompanied by great artwork from Don England, Josh Werner, and more. Available now from Splatter Theater Press.
a 21st take on the classic zines from the eighties
Movie reviews, short fiction, comics, and whatever else we want. Check out Late Night Snack by clicking HERE for your copy.
Where wolves? There wolves…
Slipway Cinema Press (an imprint of Splatter Theater Press) has put out an impressive encyclopedia of werewolf films from the early 1900s through today. I am but one of many contributors who helped bring this book to life. It’s a must have for all cinephiles out there! Get your copy at STP or Amazon.
The most evil collection
The indomitable David Hayes and I have put together a short collection of stories based upon some of our favorite horror stories and films. It will debut at Cinema Wasteland in September 2023 and then be available to all where ever you find either of us in public. Check back for links to where you can get your copy starting in October!
Projects in the Works:
Working on getting back to reviewing for films for Cinema Headcheese and resurrecting my Drunken Monkey column at a new site (to me) called Malevolent Dark. Check the “My Opinion Matters, Dammit” page.
Splatter Theater Press will be bringing some of my fiction to life. Check the link above in the description of The Vessel.
Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers - so far I’ve had a story published in every Erie Tales anthology and a few in the Recurring Nightmares anthologies.
Erie Tales: All of GLAHW’s Erie Tales anthologies are available for purchase except for the first four (Tales of Terror, Zombie Chronicles, Saturday Evening Ghost, Tales of the Apocalypse/Resurrection Mary). Those are available in the OMNIBUS collection only. ET V: Dreadful Delusions is out of print right now but will (hopefully) be included in our next omnibus collection.
Erie Tales Themes and my story titles are:
Tales of Terror “The Lonely Corridor” and “Her Descent”
Zombie Chronicles “Find and Need” and “Feed”
Saturday Evening Ghost “Are We There Yet?”
Tales of the Apocalypse/Resurrection Mary “I’ve Got a Secret”, “And On the Eighth Day He…Oops”, and 3 poems
Dreadful Delusions “Bad Touching”
666 “It’s Not What you Think”
Myths and Mayhem “From the World of Darkness”
Holiday Horror “Brothers of Death”
Transformations “The Howling Wolf”
Masquerade “Hiding In Plain Sight”
Tales from the Asylum “Prodigal Son”
Little Bites and Finger Food “Red Rover”
Unlucky 13 “The 13th Man”
Secrets “Seep”
It Came from the Movies “The Dreadful Sisters Who Remain”
Recurring Nightmares: We have six RN available for purchase and I have stories in four. They are:
Adwenia “Manah Made Evil”
David & Peggy “Wish Granted”
Nicole “Myths, Literally”
Marisa “The Divine Release”
13 Little Hells: Pretty much only available on Amazon now but it’s still pretty cool!
Horrific Beginnings: The Horror Society put together an antho of writers’ early works. The very first story I had published (on-line), “Cry Wolf”, is included. It has NOT been cleaned up or re-edited or anything. It’s interesting to see how far I’ve come! Check it out!
Women in Horror issue. I have a couple of poems in the Sirens Call Publications issue. I also answered a couple of interview questions, along with a handful of other women horror writers!
2015 Spooky Halloween Drabbles. My drabble, " Carving Skills ", is in this collection!
Fearotica. My story, "Off Menu", is in this anthology of horror/erotica fiction. Enjoy, you dirty sexy beasts.
Inkitt "Darkest Place In the World". I entered my flash fiction story, “Homecoming”, in a contest at Inkitt. Click on the link and vote for me! Please and thank you!
Sirens Call Publications Issue 18. I've recently had a poem, "Going Home", published in this issue. Check it out!
Microfiction Mondays. My drabble, "Discarded but Not Gone", has been published in their Monday, October 20, 2014 issue.
Spooky Halloween Drabbles 2014. My drabble, "Dinnertime", is in this collection!
Sirens Call Publications Issue 7. My short story, “Q”, was published in the Women of Horror issue for 2013.
Code Z: An Undead Hospital Anthology: My story, “Deliver Us From Evil”, is in this collection.
(you can also purchase it at CreateSpace
Grim Fairy Tales: My dark take on the Cinderella story, “Cinderella Spin”, is in this anthology.
My flash story, “Earl”, originally appeared on the New Flesh blogspot. You can get it in my anthology collection.
Not in the Brochure -An Anthology of Disappointing Apocalypse Stories: Christopher Nadeau, of GLAHW, is publishing an anthology of apocalypse stories and my story, “Raptchaarrr!” appears in it.
Closet Monsters: My story, “Here There Be Monsters”, from this antho is also available in my collection.
Necrotic Tissue – Issue #12 is out now with my story, ” ‘Til Death Do Us Part”. (NT has since ceased publishing so if you can find any copies of this issue, or any issue, snap them up ASAP!)
Elements of Horror – my story, “Mulligan”, appears. Though this isn’t available anymore in its original print, you can find it in my collection. – I’ve contributed a poem for the project, “The Terror of Miskatonic Falls“, coming out…eventually. (UPDATE: There has been no word on this collection in years so I’m guessing at this point it is kaput, which makes me sad.)
Vicious Verses and Reanimated Rhymes (zombie poem collection). I have a poem, "Surviving the Horde", in this anthology.
Sinister Tales Issue 2.2 originally published my story, “Secretary’s Day”. You can find it in my collection now.
Black Ink Horror (Issue #4) has my story, “The Alley”. Pretty sure it’s no longer available, though.
The anthology Reckless Abandon (edited by David Sparks and Bob Strauss) open with my story, “Why Be Normal?” is out of print from the publisher. I’m sure there are used copies out there, floating around the world. Try instead. Of course, Amazon is always an option (and I know many publishing houses use it).
Appalling Limericks by Samsdot Publishing - apparently this is no longer available. *sad trombone*
Alpha’s Court: Had a nice interview with Jordan for her blog over at Alpha’s Court.
Kpop Junki Fartist Feature Episode 13: I chatted with Katie for almost 2 hours (holy crap - but the live chat room was pretty awesome) on her YouTube channel. Much fun was had!
NC-17 Podcast: Caught up with Josh for another interview over on the NC-17 podcast. Enjoy!
Don’s World of Horror and Exploitation - Interview for Women in Horror Month: Fun interview I did with Don Anelli back in April for Women in Horror Month (now Women in Horror Movement).
Pages Promotions Indie Reads: I completely forgot to share this interview I did with Pages Promotions back in December, 2019. It was really fun!
Ladies of Horror Fiction Awards: Back in 2019, you know, when outside was still open, I met a representative of this organization at a book event. I submitted and, lo and behold, one of my short stories won an honorable mention. So thrilled!
Other Worldly Culture: Back in February, when we weren’t all grounded for our own safety, I attended Horror Realm convention in Pittsburgh. I met Tim Kretschmann, from OWC, and he interviewed me for his website. The sound isn’t great, but it was in a busy vendor room at the time, so we do what we can with what we’ve got. Click the link to listen/watch!
Working Title Podcast: I met JP Cane at the RavenCon this past April. Super nice guy, fellow author, and he conducts interviews with other authors. I’m the guest for Episode 38. Click on the link, take a listen, and I hope you enjoy it!
Comic Chaos Podcast: I got the chance to do this podcast recently. I speak with Fred and Jim about being a horror author, my writing process, and more. Take a listen! (click HERE for the Apple podcast version)
Tales from the Punks: New podcast over at Slack Jaw for the Halloween Season. Eps air every Friday in October and I'm up first with my short story, "Do Not Resuscitate". You'll never know if I made it all up or it's real unless you listen!
Women of Horror: An Interview: Daulton Dickey interviewed me for a women in horror piece for his blog. Check it out.
Horrortree: I wrote a guest blog post over at Horrortree for Women in Horror month (that's February for those who don't know). I explain a little about why I write what I write.
Passersby Podcast: I was recently a guest on this really sweet podcast. Matthew McDonough interviews people for their individual story. How cool is that? Episode 63.
Motown Mojo Live: Got to participate on this awesome podcast with some other really cool guests! Episode 54.
With all the virtual conventions and events this year, I’ll try to add links to anything I’ve done here. Some are not up yet, others were only temporary. But whatever I can find, look for it here!
Pages Promotions Author Event: A monthlong celebration of all things indie writer, every day included either an author interview, a reading, or some other kind of promotion or event. I was interviewed by Diana over at Pages Promotions, and it can be seen now on their YouTube channel. Check it out! PP AUTHOR INTERVIEW (audio and visual)
Edgar Allen Poe Readings: Years ago, a group of us went to a bookstore in Howell, MI, and read different stories by Edgar Allen Poe. I read, “The Black Cat”, and David Hayes has posted all the audio recordings from that event (though mine had to be re-recorded as the original audio file was corrupted). Follow the link and then maybe listen to all the other ones, too! THE BLACK CAT (audio file)
I also did some readings for on-line events, so if I can figure out how to link the audio files, I’ll put them here!