The Monkey Is In.

So be prepared. Bring a banana.

I'm a writer of horror and dark fiction. I've been doing this since 1999 and believe me when I say, it's cheaper than therapy and safer for the world at large.

Filtering by Tag: horror


I need to start writing more of these kind of quick posts. For one, it’ll get me writing more often, and for another, maybe people might wanna know how these conventions or 1-day shows actually work out for vendors and artists. Crazier things have happened…

I attended a one-day show, called ArtPop3, this past Saturday, December 1. I hadn’t attended the first two shows, but from what I heard from other artists who did, this new location (Ogma Brewery in Jackson, MI) was a much better venue. Despite the rotating temperatures between Arctic and Hades, I would have to agree that the brewery was pretty cool.

As I don’t consider myself an artist in the traditional sense (as in someone who draws or paints, or creatures sculpture or jewelry,) I wasn’t sure I was going to be a good fit. But Cody Lockwood, the organizer, assured me I’d be just fine. And, honestly, I felt right at home.

And apparently, the customers agreed. I ended up doing a decent business for only six hours of my time, and met so many nice people there. Even when the bands were playing, and it got a titch difficult to speak with anyone except through sign language, it turned out to be worth the time and effort.

Photo Credit: Cody James Lockwood, 2018

Photo Credit: Cody James Lockwood, 2018

So, big thank you to Cody for accepting my application, and being super nice and easy to work with through it all. I hope you’ll have me again next year! And thanks to Ogma Brewing Company for hosting such a fun day.

Being Creative Every Day

For the past couple of years, my artist buddies have posted about INKTOBER. Every day in October someone (looks like Jake Parker - not sure if he does it every year though) comes up with 31 prompts to inspire artists to draw a different picture every day during the month. For some reason this year the prompt list inspired me to think this would a great idea for writers, too! So I share it on my FB page and folks from my writers' group picked it up and ran with it.

The basic premise is simple - look at the word for the day and write a short story, flash fiction, drabble, poem, two-sentence story, or anything else that you'd like! We started a few days behind but aside from getting a little too tipsy last night (I was busy during the day, okay?) I'm on schedule. If you want, share your creations on your page(s) and use #Wordtober and don't forget to tag GLAHW

There's really no incentive. No publishing promises or accolades for being a clever girl/guy. Creativity is itself an incentive, especially for people in the arts (painters, photographers, writers, sculptors, et al). And who knows what will come from this exercise? Maybe nothing. Maybe the best thing you've ever done in your life. You won't know until you try!

Check out the picture below and get creating!!
